
♪♫Kansai-ben Music♫♪ - Kanjani ∞'s Takoyaki In My Heart

2:37 PM

I should probably be more embarrassed about not mentioning Kanjani∞ before, but then, they're so poplar, I figured everyone should know about them by now. They even have an English Wikipedia page, which says something.

I should also probably admit, I'm not much of a Johnny's follower, and I only get as deep as Arashi and Kanjani, and when I say deep, I mean I know one song for each group, but I do enjoy their faces, so there's that. And Kanjani∞ does get the upper hand for their use of comedy and kansai-ben, with that being the focus if this post and all (plus they're pretty funny). We're going to go through some of the kansai dialect used in the Kanjani song 'Takoyaki In My Heart.' Yay! :)

Now we all know hard it is to find any Johnny's stuff on the Youtubes, but, even though this video isn't the actual video, you can hear the entire song. Check out this site for the Japanese lyrics and this site for Romaji and an English translation.

I've broken the explanations down by lines in the song, since some lines have one bit, while others might have a couple. Also, since I'm due for work in a few, I won't be able to go through the entire song, but if there are some parts you're especially curious about, just let me know in the comments beloooow~~!

At there beginning of the song, there is this line:
とりあえず まあ 笑っとけ

っとけ is used a lot in Kansai dialect (I'm going to use Kd from now) to tell people what to do. A more aggressive form of こー which is the Kd form of ましょう which means 'let's (do/eat/go).'

So, for example: (Kd → Jpn → Eng)
行こー!(iko-) → 行きましょう!(ikimasho) → Let's go!

やっとけ!(yattoke) → やりなさい! (yarinasai) → Do it!

 っとけ is often used for comedic effect when playful telling someone what to do, but it should definitely only be used with your in-group.

In this phrase, we get to learn two bits:
大阪人なら 明るくてナンボ

-なら is often used as a preposition that means if or in that case. I think in standard Japanese, you would use だったら, but the なら form is acceptable when speaking in out-group and in-group situations in Kansai. However, if you're writing a missive of some kind, you might want to stick to the standard Japanese version.

Also, you may hear the phrase ほんなら often:
ほんなら、また5分後で戻ります。→ If that's the case, I'll return again in 5 min.

Mastering the use of ほんなら will have you one step closing to speaking like a real 関西人 (Kansai person).

Next is ナンボ, which I do believe I've covered before. It simply means 'how much?'

これってナンボですか。→ How much is this?

This phrase actually made me giggle:
とにかくボケて《ツッコめ ツッコめ》

This comes from a comedic style known as manzai that involves a Boke (an air-head) and Tsukkomi (a smart-ass) that trade gags quickly. One manzai gag is usually under 5 minutes, and I have to admit, sometimes I completely miss the punchline, or don't find it funny at all. But then I grew up with George Carlin and Dave Chappelle, so I'm coming from a completely different school of comedy. A lot of my friends who live in kansai LOVE manzai though, specifically acts from Yoshimoto.

Anyway, in this phrase, it's basically saying "anyway, I'll be an airhead (boke) <<so correct me (tsukkonde)>>"

And you might be thinking, what a strange thing to say, but Kansai people LOVE it! I can't tell you how many times a day Shota says 'つっこんでくれへんから!' ('it's because you don't correct me!' He loves being 'boke.' My strange little boke.

ケチやないで 節約ですやん

やない seems like it's being used here as じゃない which means 'not,' but it most cases, I think ちゃう で is used in place of やないで. Similarly, やん is being used as よ, but I think やんか or or just やん (without です) is used (this could be a dated form of Kd, which is used a lot in songs).

《やっぱり あいつ あっち系ちゃうか?

あいつ is used a lot in in-group. I often refer to Shota as あいつ when I'm both happy when I'm angry (it's so multi-functional), but sadly, it's a word that has to stay in-group. Can't walk around your office calling your co-workers あいつ (or you could, it just wouldn't end well).

ちゃうか is the Kd form of じゃないか which can be translated as 'isn't it (or in this case, he)?'

なんやねん 食べもん ゆってる だけやんけ

なんやねん, I have no idea what the standard Japanese phrase is, but it means 'what the hell?,' 'wtf??' or other such remarks. I would say it's the quintessential Kd phrase.

もん is the shortened form of もの which means things (or persons). This is used pretty often as 食べもん (food), 飲みもん (drinks), or anything that ends with もの.

ゆってる is the Kd of 言ってる, although, when ever the word 言う is spoken, it sounds like 'ゆう' and not 'いう.' In Kd, I would say the pronunciation of '言う' is elongated so it sounds like 'ゆー'
何ゆーてんの。(nani yu-tenno) → 'What are you saying??

やんけ is another way to say じゃない but in this case, I would translate it as 'right??'
so the whole sentence would be 'What the hell, you're just naming food, right??'

Whooo, that took all my frees time, and now I'm off to work. ;o; If you want the rest of the song broken now, or some other parts broken down from the first section that I skipped, just let me know in the comments! :)

And don't forget to try out some of this Kansai dialect with your friends! And only your friends! :)


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