Local Music - Photos from Sapporo x Kansai ONS

5:39 PM

The members of this band were all 17 year olds. A couple had on uniforms, but the singer and drummer were just in normal clothes. I was definitely feeling their punk rock vibe. The singer was flailing around the stage and jumping over the guardrails into the crowd. Thank goodness the place wasn't filled with people because some salaryman might've gotten landed on ( ´ ▽ ` ). They also handed party streamers to everyone. Ten points for crowd participation.
There were a lot of salarymen there, so that was kind of.. odd. But to each his own(;´▽`)y-~~

More photos of 爆弾ジョニー

Mrs. Halloween
 This band was from kansai and came on after bakudan Johnny. They actually did a song in English, but I wasn't able to realize it until Shota told me. Ooooops( ´・_・`)
I feel like they must've formed recently. The bassist was more concerned with jumping around the stage than playing his part well (he missed a lot of notes) and the guitarist was.. just okay. The drummer was where it was at though. I felt bad she was stuck with these guys because she was really quite good.

More photos.

This band was a 5-piece high school band from Sapporo. They played nice rhythm and blues music, but the singer's voice was so low I could hardly hear her over the other instruments. I'd like to see them again though, I liked the songs they played. The singer had a raspy voice that reminded me of a Japanese Janis or Grace. She could probably make a nice psychedelic rock band (´ー`)y-~~

More photos of Drop's

  This was the only photo I got of this band. They were from Kansai as well, but a nice improvement from the previous kansai band. They had a nice contemporary rock style, not too different from what you see on TV all the time. I guess that's why Shota liked them so much( ´ ▽ ` ). I really liked the bassist though. His bass lines were all really groovy. I wish he was in a band with the girl from Mrs. Halloween Lol

 This band wasn't on the bill, but a lot of people showed up before they got on stage. A few people I talked to said they're really popular and well known in kansai, which explained the growth of the crowd. They were another punk band, but they had their stuff down. At a first glance, it seemed chaotic (no surprise right), but you could also find the melodies floating in between and the drummer carried the beat well too. If I hear about them at any other clubs, I'll definitely be checking them out.

More Gyagyagya photos.

The only regret I really have about the show is being to broke to pick up bakudan Johnny's CD. I guess I'll just have to catch them the next time they come down from Sapporo(●´-`●) 


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