
Fave CM of the Moment: Matsuda Shota Gatsby's Osare Sei-jin

2:59 AM

I've recently fallen off the TV watching game, but today I saw the best CM I've seen a loooong while. And of course it was Matsuda Shouta, my other Shouta :)

My favorite part is when he says 'Onegaishimasu' he's just.. so serious and irritated sounding, but how can you be when you're dressed in such a way?? I can scarcely imagine how he must've felt while reading his script. I wonder if he was regretting his contract with Mandom.. Lol

And this one is even BETTER..!
Yes.. yes, I will stay in that elevator with you.. :P

I think it's because naturally, Matsuda Shouta and his elder brother both have very serious faces, so whenever I see them do off-the-wall stuff like this, I fall apart. It's just too much. ;)

Anyway, enough distractions. I had planned on putting together a post about 'Little Okinawa' in the Taisho area of Osaka, only to find out that it really doesn't exist. What a shame really, since the advertisements on the train made it look so interesting. :( I suppose if you want to find some Okinawan food in Osaka, it's a good place to go, but even then, the shops are all a bit scattered throughout the area. There's not shopping arcade or central area that is 'Little Okinawa.'

Ah well, the next adventure is supposed to be the science museum so I've readied my galaxy skirt for that trip. In the meantime, I'd like to put together a video series called 'Love & Hate' where I talk about certain aspects of life in Osaka (and Japan) that I both love to death and hate just as much. There must always be a balance to the force as the Jedi would say. I suppose. :)

Take care!

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